This month I’ve decided to say thanks to the people who have fed my hunger for knowledge and personal development this year. The order will be random…and likely incomplete!
A few years ago I heard about a little book by John G. Miller called QBQ!: The Question Behind the Question. I had heard Dave Ramsey talk about it and even listened to John on his show, so when I saw the book at a fire sale (literally) I bought two. That means John didn’t actually make any money off of my purchase. (Nor did he last year when I found the audio CD for the book for a dollar!)
Anyway, I didn’t get very far in the book before I was hooked. If you’ve read it, you know the Diet Pepsi story…and probably feel the same (though I’m a Coke Classic guy myself).
QBQ! is a great book on personal accountability and taking responsibility for what happens in our lives, especially in relation with others. John followed that book up with Flipping the Switch, and most recently with Outstanding!: 47 Ways to Make Your Organization Exceptional.
Earlier this year John and I connected on Twitter (he’s @QBQGuy). I already knew he had great books, but he’s also a great guy! He sent me a box full of books for me to review and share. Again, I paid nothing to John! Instead, I repaid his generosity by having them sit on my shelf for a few months…my bad!
I finally got off my rear-end and read Outstanding! in June. I loved it, but I didn’t write about it right away. I had something else in mind…a great idea that was un-executed until last month.
I wanted a visual reminder of the 47 ways he outlined in the book. I needed to see them in front of me all of the time so that hopefully, I could remember the lessons and apply them better. So I made a poster!

After having them printed and sent to John, he blessed me again by finding a typo (I hate typos!)…but now the final product is ready and he’s allowing me to share it with my audience (which is much smaller than his!).
Download the PDF for the Outstanding! Poster and share it with your friends. And go buy the book if you want to get deeper into each topic. It’s worth the investment and John could use a buck or two from all my freeloading!
But not to worry, I’ll be referring and giving away a lot of his books in the years to come, and if our schedules ever work out, I’ll be buying him lunch when I’m in Colorado next year for a Free Agent Academy event…
PS – To my knowledge Dan Miller (of and John G. Miller (of are not related. I just dig guys named Miller, and even have nephew named Miller. :)
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