This month I’ve decided to say thanks to the people who have fed my hunger for knowledge and personal development this year. The order will be random…and likely incomplete!
Remember the old “Bo knows…” ads featuring Bo Jackson? Well, I don’t know Bo, but I do know Justin. And Justin knows coaching!
Justin Lukasavige (owner of Lukas Coaching) is a friend of mine and fellow professor from Free Agent Academy. He’s also a pretty neat guy.
He left a job being an airline captain to become a financial coach. And now he’s helping other people learn how to be successful in coaching, business and social media (he’s everywhere!).

Justin wrote an excellent book, Become a Coach (I was honored to read an early print version and use my nerd talents to help eliminate some typos!).
But even better than the book is his online radio show, In this online production/podcast, he goes through all the ups and downs of running his business and teaches anyone willing to listen and learn what they can do to make their business grow.
He also frequently shares the microphone with other coaches and business owners in his Your Story series. Some are very successful and some are just starting out. But there’s inspiration in all of the stories. It’s fun to listen to and I always gain a few golden nuggets I can use to help make my business better.
Thanks Justin for being so open and sharing so much helpful info!
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