A Message from James Woosley:
I’m announcing the creation of a new program called The 11-11-11 Project. The name comes from the arbitrary alignment of numbers on November 11th, 2011. Here’s the concept: set one big goal to accomplish by 11/11/11. Join the group and get coaching and accountability to achieve that goal!
This is a technique I’ve applied personally. Set a date, make a public declaration and surround yourself with people who can help and encourage you.

Here are the details of the program:
What You Get…
- Group coaching and training with James Woosley via regular conference calls (BONUS: Receive the audio files for all of these coaching calls)
- A one hour private coaching session with James (including the audio recording)
- A private online forum for the group members to interact, share ideas, seek advice and feedback and more (a true Mastermind club house!)
- Intimate interaction with the other group members who are on a similar adventure to realize their dreams, goals and ideas (few could climb Mt. Everest alone—you’ll need this kind of community on your side)

What the Program Covers…
We’ll follow the schedule below:
- Aug 11, 2011 – Session 1: Kickoff and Introductions, followed by a lesson on defining our 11-11-11 goals [~2 hours]
- Sep 15, 2011 – Session 2: Group Status & Accountability Check, followed by a lesson on Planning and Execution [~2 hours]
- Oct 20, 2011 – Session 4: Group Status & Accountability Check [~2 hours]
- Nov 10, 2011 – Session 5: Final Group Status & Accountability Check [~2 hours]
- Dec 8, 2011 – Session 6: Celebration and Goal Setting for 2012 [~2 hours]
That’s more than TEN hours of coaching, feedback and accountability! That time is powerful fuel for the time and effort you put into developing and executing your plan…helping you achieve more than you thought you could before the year is over.

Why This Opportunity Is Unique…
- Ongoing training, coaching, and masterminding for five months
- Limited sized group so more time to personalize to you (maximum of 10-12 people)
- Networking and building relationships with other achievers like yourself
- One-on-one support
Your Investment:
I want to make this affordable for anyone who is truly passionate about finishing 2011 strong!
The price is only $411 per person ($311 for active FAA members). I truly believe you cannot find a better value for this level of coaching anywhere.
If you want to join me, you’ll have to act fast because we start soon. Applying is simple: email me at 11@woosleycoaching.com describing your 11/11/11 goal.